Jhen Hai Kung will carry out the following duties on set dates and welcome all adherents and beneficent providers to participate and join us in a prayer for peace, fortune and prosperity. The events are as follows:

Guangming Lanterns Online Service

1.With end of every year, Jhen Hai Kung will choose a date to hold a Ceremony for the Departure of the Taisui Star Lords. Participants who have seated a Taisui Lantern, a Guangming (brightening) Lantern, a Fuli (fortune) Lantern or a Wenchang (scholarly success) Lantern at the Temple, please attend the Ceremony.

2.Jhen Hai Kung provides seating and appeasement services for Taisui, Guangming (brightening), Fuli (fortune) and Scholar Success Lanterns, and will hire a Taoist master to initiate the Ceremony for the Lifting of the Lanterns at a chosen date.


.Guangming (brightening) Lanterns: Ensure peace for the household and illuminating the right path.

.Fuli (fortune) Lanterns: Ensure success of businesses and wealth.

.Wenchang (scholarly success) Lanterns: Ensure success in academic affairs and examinations.

4.Seating and Appeasement of the Taisui Lantern: Those who are breaking the Taisui must appease the Grand Guardian of the Taisui reigning for that year so as to reverse calamities into Fuli (fortune)s. Taisui Lanterns can be seated at Jhen Hai Kung for adherents’ use.

5.Seating and Appeasement of Guangming (brightening) Lanterns, Fuli (fortune) Lanterns and Wenchang (scholarly success) Lanterns will cost NT$500.

6.Application: Visit the Temple in person, provide a cash envelope or pay with postal check. Specify name, birth date (in traditional calendar format), address, telephone number and the type of Lantern to be seated. A receipt would be mailed to the address provided after processing, along with a gift pendant of scented fire.


TEL: 08-8327777 FAX: 08-8337710

To our Beneficent Providers: Those who need a receipt please provide us with your contact information and the receipt will be delivered to your address.

Please include the following information:

Name, Address, Telephone Number and Last 4 Digits of your Bank Account Number.

[Fill in the Form Online]

Contact Time: Please call between 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM for Miss He

Postal Account Number: 419-759-68

Account Name: Donggang Jhen Hai Kung

Bank Account:

First Bank Donggang Branch, Bank Code: 007

Account Number: 75210049468

Account Name: Donggang Jhen Hai Kung

Note: We welcome any inquiries, questions or personal visits to our Temple; the Temple staff will provide the most sincere services to you.

【Origins of the Guangming (brightening) Lantern】

Ancient Chinese societies were stratified by the ranks of Shi (gentry), Nong (farmers), Gong (craftsmen) and Shang (traders). The “Shi”, occupying the most esteemed position, was the rank that everybody wished to attain. Chinese Shi was composed of imperial officers or the educated scholars, men who were well respected by the society. In order to become a Shi, however, one must obtain “gongming” (evidence of deeds and fame). Given that in the Taiwanese tongue “gongming” (deeds and fame) shares the pronunciation of “guangming” (brightness), the Guangming Lanterns were thus synonymous with the heralds of success and glory.

Most adherents, believers and beneficent providers of the modern age not only wish for success and fame, they also have many other needs in the form of career, health, marriages and housing. Lighting a Guangming Lantern is a means to request the Deities to illuminate and remove unforeseen obstacles and calamities. The philosophy of worship is that we make pleas to the Gods for their guidance in times of difficulty, uncertainty and doubt and place ourselves under Heavenly Decrees.

Jhen Hai Kung will hold the formal Ceremony of Lighting the Guangming Lanterns. We welcome sincere adherents and beneficent providers to join us in this great ritual.