9th Cim – Yiji – of the Fire Element favoring Summer – The South is blessed

A dragon and tiger goes to the deep mountains together,

Why would they be looking back?

Know that they seemed amorous of each other,

Yet soon they will severe all ties.


Two persons are as compatible as a dragon and a tiger, yet dwell in the same mountain without any cause for concern. Yet they do not know their so-called friendship is a mistake that will eventually lead to complete separation. This poem provides the advise that people who do not share common grounds yet are forced to work together will eventually separate. In marital matters, a couple will find it hard to maintain their marriage. For matters of business partnerships, a break up may be down the road complete with severe disagreements. For business undertakings, success may be difficult due to the number of competitors. For financial undertakings or for fame, difficulty is to be expected. Movers, travelers or people looking to change their jobs should know that such actions are not favored, and should remain in their position and wait for better opportunities.

A boy will be born, and he will be born noble (with difficulties in life). Lost items will not be recovered easily.

Be mindful on all things. Be content for your undertakings. On family matters, there will be no meetings. On Family fortunes, abnormalities may befall and peace is difficult to attain. Marriages are not favorable. Pleas for children must not be made. No children will be born this year. Financial undertakings will have no benefits. Pleas for fame will not be answered. The Age Lords will grant misfortune. Ailments will lead to grave danger, but so long as the day of Yinchen is passed there shall be no further complications. Travelers should put off their trips. Business undertakings will lose wealth. Visitors will arrive at half-moon. Shipping will not be bountiful. Moving will not be fortunate. Lost items will be hard to recover. Rains will only come as they please. Legal matters shall not be pursued or wealth will be lost. Farm animals should not be sold. Farming will have little harvests and the toils will be wasted. Construction should be awarded a delay. Burials and graves will have suitable ground. Fishing will meet a bad spirit and little hauls. Fisheries will result in loss of capital. Fish-fry hatcheries will encounter losses. The monthly commands financial loss and disagreements. Those looking for someone will meet them eventually. Letters from faraway will not arrive.

The Ancients Say: Dragon and Tiger fights each other (meeting each other)