7th Cim – Yichou – of the Metal Element favoring Autumn – The West is blessed

The clouds depart to show the bright moon,

Do not hesitate on advance or retreat,

For marriages are all fated by the Heavens,

Unions are blessed, and all undertakings will succeed.


The clouds are parted to show the moon in its full glory. One need not ask for signs, but move directly onto the chosen path. Marriages are fated to be favorable by the Heavens. So long as it is a fated match, it will come to a complete conclusion.

Recipients of this cim asking for fortune can be told that the dark clouds obscuring the past are being dispersed, and the shrouded moon now shines in its full glory. Bad fortunes had passed and good fortunes will start to come.

For marriages – the couple is one chosen by the heavens; this cim reveals success for their happy marriage.

For financial undertakings – profits at the beginning.

For traveling and moving - unfavorable

For ailments – frightening at first, but recovery will come with no complications.

For legal matters – best to pursue a settlement.

For fame – successful accomplishments in youth, with little showing in old age.

For lost items – search for it under the moonlight, for once the moon goes dark the item will be hard to find.

A baby boy is to be expected, followed by a girl.

Delayed successes for general affairs. Success favored under the moonlight. On family matters, risks will be encountered, general peace will be attained. On family fortunes, harmony only attained gradually. Marriages can be consummated under the moon, but not in the dark. Pleas for children are favored. Girls are to be expected. Financial undertakings will be successful. Pleas for fame will see accomplishments made during youths, but few showings at old age. The Age Lords are appeased. Ailments will have no complications for women, while men will make a late recovery with little complications, the elderly need no fear. Travelers will encounter exotic fragrances along the road. Business undertakings with successful results will be greatly blessed. Visitors will arrive in the middle of the month. Shipping will need precautionary measures. Moving is unfavorable. Lost items can be found under the moonlight, but gone when the moon goes dark. Rains will not come until the end of the month. Legal matters will be conluded but losses are to be expected. Farm animals will prosper. Farming will have harvests. Construction favored in the middle of the month. Burials and graves will receive good land. Fishing will have a fortune if the relations are harmonious, but calamities will result from dissidence. Fisheries should watch out for winds and foods. Fish-fry hatcheries will be favored in the middle of the month. The monthly commands are plain. Those looking for someone will meet them in the middle of the month. Letters from faraway will arrive bearing good news.

The Ancients Say: Lord Guo secretly inspects the white robed general; state inspections make a planned visit; Yuchi Gong was made a grand marshal.