57th Cim – Guiji – of the Water Element favoring winter – the North is favored

We advise you to keep your heart calm,

For the future looks smooth in a state of peace,

No major events will occur,

As the Gods safeguard your residence.


We advise you to keep calm so that fortune would not arrive while you are in a state of panic. Your future is smooth, meaning that there will be no major event during this period. With the protection from the Gods, one can simply enjoy comfortable living. This Cim tells the recipient to calm his/her heart and not rush about in panic. One can only properly accomplish his/her task in a state of calm. At the same time, the poem comforts the recipient with the sign that his/her fortunes are in tranquility, so there is no need to worry. Businesses can be carried on as usual.

For pleas of wealth, small wealth may be gained, but large gains would not be likely, though the next attempt looks promising.

For pleas of marital matters, be decisive and make the proposition, for success is within sight.

For undertakings, those with a sincere attitude will accomplish the objectives.

For pleas of legal matters, know that it is best to go for a settlement.

Traveling and moving are both feasible.

For ailments, there is no need to worry with the help of a blessed person.

For lost items, recovery will be difficult.

For pleas of academic success, one must work hard for self improvement so that a second attempt may be successful.

For pregnancy inquiries, a girl will be born at the start of the month and a boy at the second half of the month.

General affairs would need a tranquil and stable heart and mind. Undertakings will favor those who succeed. Family affairs will be joyous and see prosperity. Family fortune will have the support of the Gods and peace. Marital affairs are greatly favored. Pleas for children are greatly favored. Pregnancies will result in a girl followed by a boy (girls at the start of the month and boys at the second half of the month). Pleas for wealth will be answered lightly (those who stretch out their hands will receive). Pleas for academic success will be answered. The Age Lords are in a state of calm. Ailments will gradually make a recovery with the assistance of a bessed person. Travelers will obtain the support of a blessed person (but it is better to stay put). Business undertakings will have minor successes (and eternal profit). Visitors will arrive on the day of Wei (half-moon). Shipping is neither favored nor calamitous, profits may be made. Moving will be fortunate (but not encouraged). Lost items will be hard to recover (but a search may give positive results). Pleas for rain will arrive in a few days. Legal affairs should go for a settlement. Livestock are neither favored nor calamitous. The crops are neither favored nor calamitous, harvests may be obtained. Construction will be fortunate. Burials and resting places will have favorable grounds. Fishermen will obtain profits. Fisheries will be profitable. Hatcheries will produce great profits. The monthly commands reveal financial loss but general fortune. Lost persons will return shortly later. Letters from afar needs patience for the good news.

The Ancients say: The White Snake fairy meets Xu Hanwen.