50th Cim – Renyin – of the Metal Element favoring Autumn - the West is favored

One would swear to not change heart before the Buddha,

So see to the future for its good messages,

An object may be made of black iron,

Yet it can also change into shining gold.


Should one swear an oath before Buddha for keeping the heart to an unchanging purpose, then good news would surely come to pass. It is said that when fortune comes iron would become god, and when fortune leave gold will become iron. So worry not about the apparent worthlessness of the item. When fortune arrives, even iron can turn into gold. This cim tells the recipients that fortune has yet to arrive, but if one endeavors and work hard, success will be come to pass. Recipients must keep true to their stand and purpose and wait for a good opportunity. Once their fortune turns and becomes gradually positive, then they would be able to achieve their ambitions and goals. Those who only focus on minor gains before their eyes would only invite failure.

For pleas of marital matters, know that those who are patient and sincere would succeed; there may be difficulties and grievances at first, but those who endeavor and strive for the relationship will obtain good fruits.

For pleas of academic success, know that success will not come to pass now, it is better to work hard.


General affairs will see public officers assisting completion resulting in fortune. Undertakings may face difficulties. Family affairs will see advancements in the household. Family fortune will be bathed in an atmosphere of prosperity. Marital affairs will be difficult to consummate; those who succeed will prosper greatly. Pleas for children will be favored and greatly prosperous. Pregnancies will result in either boys or girls with noble lives; or a boy followed by a girl; the boy may be hard to bring up, while a girl may bring fortune. Pleas for wealth are greatly favored with the treasure tree blossoming. Pleas for academic success will not be answered. The Age Lords are prosperous. Ailments will not harm those who have blessed the heavens and earth; the elderly may see a delay in recovery. Travelers should postpone their trips (those who do will obtain large fortunes). Business undertakings will initially strike even, followed by great prosperity later. Visitors will arrive while the moon shines. Shipping will neither be favored nor calamitous whether late or early. Moving will be favored. Lost items can be recoverd if sought after quickly (to the west) . Pleas for rain will be answered on time. Legal affairs will see delays (and may result in financial loss). Livestock will make drastic improvements and will be in peace. The crops will favor early harvests; late harvests will strike even. Construction will favor a delay. Burials and resting places will obtain prosperous and fortunate grounds. Fishermen will greatly favor those who are harmonious. Fisheries will stagnate first, followed by great returns later. Hatcheries will be greatly prosperous later. The monthly commands reveal a gradual fortune in spring winds. Lost persons will return quickly. Letters from afar will be arrive soon.

The Ancients say: The brat meets a vicious demon and three death spirits.

The death spirits brings death. The minor spirits has 26 passes; while the vicious demons have Wugui Pass and Guimen Pass.

This is originally a calamitous sign. A tally may remove the calamities and overwhelm the difficulties.

Those who are willing to believe will be able to turn misfortunes into prosperity. Iron can transform into gold.