48th Cim – Xinhai – of the Metal Element favoring Autumn - the West is favored

An upright man may not bring himself down,

And the clouds may yet cover the moon,

Now that one’s ambitions are faltering,

In fear that the fortunes have yet to arrive.


You are too unique and strong in personality to cooperate with those around you, and hence you lack the opportunity to become successful, like the moon clouded by a dark cloud. Although you wish to forge ahead, you fear that your fortunes have not arrived yet.

Talented individuals are usually very proud of their capabilities and hence often feel that they sidelined by others. This poem tells the recipients to be less arrogant. Confidence is a must, but if carried to extreme, it may result in arrogance and idealism, resulting in failures or the inability to become successful. Unless you change your way of doing things, then fortunes will still remain elusive.

For pleas of wealth, know that it will be granted to those who can endure hardships, otherwise nothing will be given.

For pleas of academic success, know that success will not come; self improvements are still required.

For pleas of marital matters, know that the candidate is not the perfect match, and a marriage proposition is not likely to succeed.

For pleas of legal matters, know that it will not be favored and should not be pursued.


General affairs will see one being hampered by others; harmonious people will be fortunate. Undertakings will face difficulties; drawing this cim on the day of Wei may give a chance in success. Family affairs will not be harmonious. Family fortune will be unsettled by malevolent spirits. Marital affairs are not favored. Pleas for children should not be made. Pregnancies will result in a boy (daughters in law will not give birth yet, pregnancy will come late). Pleas for wealth will only be slightly answered, profits are still elusive. Pleas for academic success will not be answered. The Age Lords are awash. Ailments will face demonic mischief, recovery will come on the day of Wei (half-moon); have no fear on the days of Yin, Chen and Mao. Travelers must stay put. Business undertakings will bring in no wealth. Visitors will arrive on the day of Wei (half-moon). Shipping will see no returns. Moving will not be favored. Lost items will not be recoverable. Pleas for rain will arrive abruptly. Legal affairs must not be pursued. Livestock should not be kept. The crops will not be favored (with a half harvest). Do not implement any construction project. Burials and resting places will have unfavorable grounds. Fishermen will face demonic mischief. Fisheries will not turn a profit. Hatcheries will face losses in many aspects. The monthly commands reveal difficulties and gloom. Lost persons will not be found easily. Letters from afar will not arrive.

The Ancients say: A dragonfly enters a spider’s web.

Falling into a trap by mistake, even wings are useless in this matter. Those who struggle or beg for divine intervention may yet escape with their lives. Otherwise wait for imminent death.

Calamitous signs. Fortunes are delayed. A dark cloud covers the head. General affairs will not be favored.