32nd Cim – Jimao - of the Earth Element favoring the whole year – Every direction is blessed

Dragon and Tiger fights before the door,

Needless to say that both are at fault,

Gold is turned to steel,

For what good it is, one can only ask the Gods.


Legal matters will bear great calamity. People should learn from this lesson. Once a believer was involved in a case of injuring others and pleas for a cim from Mazu’s Temple for a sign. Mazu replied: “The Gods decide that the settlement will be for the best, if either side wishes to defend their honor, the extended court case will bring nothing good to either side.” It turned out that the believer had lent a sum of money to the other party. However, the borrower did not live up to the bargain, aggravating the believer into causing injury. The believer took Mazu’s words, and said that a settlement for half the borrowed sum would be adequate. The other party thus withdrew his charges of injury and the case was settled.

For pleas of wealth, stores and businesses will gain profits.

Neither traveling nor moving will be favored.

For pleas of academic success, those with poor results need to improve themselves; the Dragon is Chen, and the Tiger is Yin. This Cim describes a fight between the Dragon and the Tiger, which can be interpreted in the day or month of Yinchen. There was once a believer receiving this Cim asking whether a transaction of land can be forged ahead. Mazu revealed that the transaction would only be possible until the following first (Yin) to the third (Chen) month.

For pleas of marital matters, know that it will not be favored.

Pregnancies will result in a girl followed by a boy.

For lost items, recovery will be possible if sought on the day of Yinchen.

For ailments, recovery will be possible after the day of Yinchen.

General affairs will see reverses. Undertakings will face difficulties. Family affairs will face a storm. Family fortune may face the trouble of arguments and discord. Marital affairs will not be favored. Pleas for children should not be made. Pregnancies should be wary of premature births; sons may not have children yet. Pleas for wealth will see loss in profits and capital. Pleas for academic success will be hopeless. The Age Lords are in harmony, and not act as expected. Ailments will face dangers and delays; youths will see no danger, and once the day of Yinchen has past there is no need to fear. Travelers must put off their trips or face calamities. Business undertakings will see financial loss. Visitors will arrive on the day of Yinchen. Shipping will see a waste of effort for no profits. Moving will be meeting great misfortune. Lost items will be hard to recover. Pleas for rain will arrive in a few days. Legal affairs will see financial loss and delays. Livestock will be at serious loss. The crops will not provide adequate harvests. Construction will experience drastic reversals. Burials and resting places will gradually lose their earthen spirits. Fishermen will not have any haulings. Fisheries will face misfortune and loss of capital. Hatcheries will not be favored. The monthly commands will not be as expected. Lost persons can be found on the day of Yinchen. Letters from afar will be delayed.

The Ancients say: The Dragons gather; Liu Bei marries into Wu