28th Cim – Wuwu - of the Fire Element favoring Summer – The South is blessed

Do not compare the current times with the past,

As a tiger separated from its woods would be fair game for dogs,

How hard it is to decide on anything,

How easy it is to hesitate before the neverending mountains and streams.


Great individuals seldom mention valorous deeds of the past. Fortunes may turn and times do change. Even a tiger separated from its forest would be fair game for the dogs. How hard is it to decide on anything? Even when faced with unsurmountable difficulties, do not hesitate, just go bravely onwards.

Recipients of such cim pleading for wealth should take the initiative, as wealth will come rolling like endless streams. However, those pleading for academic success may understand what is it to be a “tiger far away from its lair”, or a hero without a place to use his/her talent.

For pleas of marital matters, there may be numerous obstacles; seeking another companion would be for the best.

Neither traveling nor moving will be favored; unless it is for some urgent affair, best delay traveling plans. A believer by the name of Zhao was once invited for a job interview overseas and asked for a sign. The deities revealed that there will be little to gain, and traveling would be a waste of time. However, Zhao went ahead as he had already bought a ticket for the day after that could not be returned. In the end, he indeed returned without any prospects as they did not agree with the details, and hence was struck off the list of candidates, proving the line that “a tiger from its woods would be fair game for the dogs”.

For pleas of legal matters, a good result would be hard to achieve.

Lost items can be recovered if sought after quickly.

For ailments, know that once day of Yinchen is past, there is no need for fear.

Boys or girls resulting from pregnancies will have a noble (difficult life).

General affairs will see fortune and success later on. Undertakings will face difficulties. Family affairs should watch out for major calamities. Family fortune will see people with ill intents, so watch out for possible discords. Marital affairs will not be favored, as the girl may bring a murderous aura. Pleas for children should not be made. Pregnancies should watch out for difficult labor. Pleas for wealth will not be answered. Pleas for academic success will see no success. The Age Lords are giving neither favors nor calamities. Ailments will see fortune being robbed and despoiled by malevolence, but once the day of Yinxu is past there is no need to fear. Travelersw will be taken advantage of by others. Business undertakings will be taken advantage of by lazy people; success will be difficult to achieve. Visitors will be hard to come by. Shipping will see no fortune, with a setback in wealth. Moving is definitely not recommended. Lost items will be hard to recover. Pleas for rain will arrive in a few days. Legal affairs will see major financial loss and abuse by figures of authority. Livestock are in a state of unease. The crops will only have half-harvest. Construction is not recommended, possible loss of life may occur. Burials and resting places have offended the Earth for sixty years; a quick move is advised. Fishermen will receive little profit. Fisheries owners should stay away from discord and arguments, and remember to be patient. Hatcheries will not be profitable. The monthly commands to be fearless of nine matters, and prevent oneself from being taken advantage of by people. Lost persons will be hard to find. Letters from afar will have not come.

The Ancients say: Li Cunxiao kills the tiger; Shi Cunxiao becoming an adopted son of Li Keyong.