20th Cim – Dingmao– of the Fire Element favoring Summer – The South is blessed

Pleas for fame and future were not answered,

For one’s fortunes may have transgressed upon others,

The two households must prevent losses,

So take a step back and not sigh in disappointment.


Undertakings for fame and the future may not be as expected as there may be interlinking and transgressing fortunes in one’s life. The two households must defend against separation, for there will be major losses should separation come to pass. One is advised to take a step back and defend what they have, and not sigh in disappointment.

This cim poem warns the recipient to focus on family affairs and not obsess about matters of business and neglect the family as a result. Men should not keep mistresses to prevent family upheavals. This is an omen of encounters with the opposite gender that may require raising of one’s guard. In matters of finances and wealth, both will not be appeased, and even if there’s profit it will be restricted early on with nothing left later on. One should not compel with matters of business and defend against financial loss or crime.

For marriages or family fortunes – misfortune in both cases; marriages or relationships may face difficulties; watch for upheavals in marriages.

For fame – wait till the following year, for there may not be much hope this year.

Those intending to travel or move are advised to stay put.

Legal matters may see delays.

Pregnancies will result in a boy followed by a girl.

Lost items will be hard to recover.

For ailments – danger until the day of Wei (half-moon), once that is past there is nothing to fear.

General financial losses, delays and discord. Undertakings will not succeed. On family matters, an evil child may be born. On Family fortunes, guard against the calamities caused by malevolent spirits. Marriages will not succeed. Pleas for children are not advised. Pregnancies may face danger during child birth. Financial undertakings should be avoided. Pleas for fame will see no fortune for exams and difficulty to pass. The Age Lords are worn. Ailments may face danger, but life is safe once the day of Wei (half-moon) is past. Travelers will meet no fortune and should postpone their trips. Business undertakings will not succeed. Visitors will arrive on the day of Wei (half-moon). Shipping will face losses. Moving is not advised. Lost items should be considered lost. Rains will not arrive. Legal matters will be delayed and cause financial loss. Farm animals will be in discord. Farming will have difficulty in harvest. Construction cannot be completed to perfection. Burials and graves should not proceed, as the earth is in discord. Fishing will be adversely affected by lords of the underworld. Fisheries will face a reversal of fortunes and no hope for success. Fish-fry hatcheries will see a loss in capital. The monthly commands observe malevolent spirits and illnesses, with things not going as one expects. Those looking for someone should delay their searches. Letters from faraway will be lost.