14th Cim – Bingyin– of the Fire Element favoring Summer – The South is blessed

The signs of wealth will grow brighter,

Like flowers blossoming, wilting and bearing fruit,

Keep your heart at ease for the Mid-Autumn Moon,

For accompaniment and great harmony shall be with you.


Your fortunes of wealth will be as the flowers of the tree, blossoming, wilting and bearing fruit. There is no need to hurry. Just keep a patient heart for Mid-Autumn. Once Mid-Autumn arrives, another will come to share your days harmoniously.

Recipients of such cim with inquiries on business undertakings will see an improvement of fortunes for the business. Even if your current financial situation may appear bleak, with careful management and steadfast endeavour, profits will come soon. Do not fear for continuous loss, for flowers may blossom and wilt, the moon will wax and wane. Loss is always accompanied by eventual gain. Pleas for fame will also be replied with the same signs. If one does not improve and merely depends on fortune, success will be difficult to come by.

For marriages – lovers will be united, and marriages can be consummated.

For legal matters – be honest and all will be well; spending some money to avoid calamities is the best advice; fighting for the sake of saving face will not be favored, the losses will far outweigh the gains.

For lost items, look to the west.

For illnesses, have no fear for the first half of the month.

Traveling will neither be calamitous nor beneficial.

Moving will be a smooth affair.

General fortune on all matters. Undertakings will succeed with determination. On family matters, the ancestors will be honored and the descendants will benefit, great fortunes are expected. On Family fortunes, general fortune is expected. Marriages will be consummated successfully. Pleas for children will be accepted. Pregnancies will lead to a boy, with a girl to come next albeit with a noble (difficult) life. Financial undertakings will have profits while the moon shines, but reduced returns when the moon wanes. Pleas for fame will be favored and successful. The Age Lords are at ease. Ailments will have certain risks, but have no fear once the moon wanes. Travelers should reschedule their plans (or bring a blessed person along). Business undertakings will have gradual profits. Visitors will arrive at the end of the month. Shipping will have great fortune after full moon. Moving will be favored (to be avoided). Lost items can be found to the west when the moon still shines, but once the moon wanes it will be lost. Rains will not come for the first half of the month, only arriving towards the end. Legal matters will only see justice when some money is spent. Farm animals will be greatly prosperous. Farming will have returns sooner or later. Construction will ensure benefits for the descendants. Burials and graves will grant great fortune once land is secured. Fishing will have great fortune once the moon wanes. Fisheries will start with minor returns with great profits later. Fish-fry hatcheries will bring great fortunes. The monthly commands observe a general loss at the beginning, with fortunes at the end. Those looking for someone will meet them in the middle of the month. Letters from faraway will arrive soon.

The Ancients Say: The Peach Garden Oaths; Cao Cao gives Yun-chang with a stallion, robes, gold and silver.